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  • Santa Clara, is located in the Central region of the country and is the capital of the province of Villa Clara. Its main attraction is the Plaza de la Revolución where you can find the sculpture group dedicated to Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Che), work of the sculptor José Delarra. At its base there is a Mausoleum, where the remains of a renowned hero have rested since 1997. Trinidad, one of the most beautiful, historical and best preserved cities in Cuba was one of the first Villas founded by the Spaniards and declared by the UNESCO Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity. Its cobbled streets full of tradition and history will make you feel and live the experience of being in a City stopped by time full of heritage, historical and cultural values that reveal times, customs and traditions.
  • Cienfuegos, known in Cuba as the Pearl of the South only city founded in 1819 by the French in Latin America under the Spanish crown, a city of parks, theaters, churches, a beautiful Paseo del Prado and a flourishing culture will also be able to enjoy the beauty of the sea and the nature that surrounds the city.
  • Category : Group tour
  • Languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese
Collective Roundtrip
  • Guaranteed departure on fixed dates and not required minimun of passengers.
  • 4-nights accommodation according to the program description.
  • Highly qualified tourist guide service in several languages during the whole tour.
  • Assistance in airports and tourist poles that are visited in the program.
  • Food with a liquid included in each extra hotel meal.
  • All the described transfers in air-conditioned buses.
  • All the visits indicated in the program.
  • Luggage transfers.
  • International flights.
  • Entry card (visa).
  • Additional drinks and meals.
  • Gratuities or tips.
  • Optional excursions.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Transfer IN / OUT.
  • New Year's Eve Supplement (December 24 and 31 a supplement of 20 USD per Pax applies and is applicable only for tours that include these dates in their travel period).
  • Day of departure from the circuit: Tuesday.
  • We recommend wearing light clothing and footwear, short-sleeved shirts and shorts, hats, caps and creams to protect the skin from the sun and insect repellent and swimming clothes for swimming in streams, rivers and/or beaches.
  • Small backpack to carry personal belongings you may need during your walks and visits to historical sites and places.
  • It is suggested to carry sunglasses and photo and video cameras to keep the beautiful memories of your vacation.
  • It is recommended that clients come insured according to the activities they will do during their tour in Cuba.
  • Although the health system in Cuba is competent, with primary care in the most remote places, in case of allergies, chronic diseases and other ailments, it is recommended that you bring the medicines you may need.
  • We recommend that you always drink bottled and sealed mineral water during your stay in the country.
  • In case there is an exceptional need to divert or relocate clients from any hotel in the program, other hotels of the same or higher category will be sought.
  • In the case of maritime activities if there is bad weather, it is considered as force majeure, we are not responsible.
  • The triple room is confirmed after consulting availability in all the hotels that make up the selected program.


Destinations to visit: Havana Santa Clara, Villa Clara
Transports used: Air conditioned bus

  • Pick up at the hotel
  • Departure to Santa Clara, capital of central Cuba.
  • Lunch at a local restaurant.
  • Visit to Ernesto Che Guevara Square, meeting place with one of the most prominent and charismatic personalities of contemporary world history and where the Museum and Memorial named after him are located.
  • Tour of the Historical and Cultural Center of the city, stop at Leoncio Vidal Park, with views of La Caridad Theater, the Museum of Decorative Arts and the old Government Palace. - Panoramic tour of Santa Clara, passing through the Parque del Carmen, where the founding mass of the city was offered.
  • Visit to the monument of the Armored Train, in historical memory of one of the most important actions fought during the revolutionary struggle.
  • Visit to the work of the Basque artist Casto Solano known as "Che de los niños", a 2 meter high sculpture that allows an exchange with this important Cuban-Argentinean historical figure. Lunch at a local restaurant.
  • At the end of the tour, accommodation and dinner at the confirmed hotel.
  • Free night for your enjoyment.


Transports used: Air conditioned bus

  • Breakfast at the hotel.
  • Departure to El Cubano Park, located at the foot of Topes de Collantes National Park.
  • In transit panoramic tour by the Escambray Mountain Mass, one of the most important mountain ranges of the country, passing by Manicaragua, settlement of communities of farmers of the famous Cuban tobacco and rich coffee. El Cubano Park is a place of pleasant encounter with nature, adventure and history, where natural landscapes prevail with a rich native flora and fauna, which invite to enjoy activities such as hiking, bird watching, swimming in waterfalls and crystal clear water pools.
  • The program includes the "Traces of History" trail that leads to the always refreshing Salto de Javira.
  • Lunch at Ranchón El Cubano, specialized in traditional Cuban food.
  • Optional activities in the place are the horse rides and the Canopy Tour with attractive tour over the Guaurabo River.
  • Departure to the city of Trinidad.
  • Accommodation and dinner at the hotel confirmed.
  • Free night for your enjoyment.


Destinations to visit: Cienfuegos city, Cienfuegos Trinidad, Santic Spíritus
Transports used: Air conditioned bus

  • Breakfast at the hotel.
  • Tour around the city of Trinidad, a city stopped in time. Known as the Jewel of Cuba, it has the privilege of being one of the colonial towns of the country and also qualifies among the most complete and preserved architectural sets of the American continent.
  • Visit to the Plaza Mayor; Romantic Museum; The Church of the Holy Trinity.
  • Bar la Canchánchara, with its typical welcome cocktail located in the heart of the historical center of the city.
  • Visit to the Casa del Alfarero to admire one of the oldest traditions of the city in the workshop of the founding family.
  • Lunch at a local restaurant.
  • Departure to the city of Cienfuegos, known as the Pearl of the South and which reveals the splendor of a culture with strong influence of its French founders.
  • Walk from the meadow, along the boulevard to the Marti Park.
  • Visit the Tomás Terry Theatre and the Valle Palace where you will learn about the beautiful legend associated with its construction.
  • Accommodation and dinner at a hotel in the city.
  • Free night for your enjoyment.


Destinations to visit: Cienfuegos city, Cienfuegos Guamá, Matanzas Havana Varadero, Matanzas
Transports used: Air conditioned bus

  • Breakfast.
  • Departure to Guamá, located in the Peninsula of Zapata, province of Matanzas.
  • In transit visit to the Giron Beach Museum dedicated to the battle fought by the Cuban people against the mercenaries in this region.
  • Continuation of the trip to the town of Guamá.
  • Visit to the Crocodile and parrot Farm.
  • Visit to the Taino Village with a nautical tour of 8 km until arriving at the sculptural set made by the famous Cuban artist Rita Longa that represents the culture of the Cuban aborigines
  • Lunch at a local restaurant.
  • At the end, departure to Varadero and/or Havana.
  • Accommodation at selected hotel. (by the client)

Tuesday departures
Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba - 2 nights in Half board

Trinidad, Santic Spíritus, Cuba - 1 night in Half board

Cienfuegos city, Cienfuegos, Cuba - 1 night in Half board

Tuesday departures
Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba - 2 nights in Half board

Trinidad, Santic Spíritus, Cuba - 1 night in All inclusive

Cienfuegos city, Cienfuegos, Cuba - 1 night in Half board